Supported with 8 Post-Types
With our custom blog engine you can choose 8 post-types when creating new post, wich is: Standar Post, Quote, Image Slider, HTML 5 Video, Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, and Advertisement.
4 Unique Blog List Layout
We give you 4 unique blog layout with complete options so you can customize easily each layout. You can filter post by tag/category, show/hide sidebar, change content width & position, and much more!
Different Post Different Style
Not only that, we give you another 4 styles of single blog layout, you can choose from Normal, wide, cover, and classic clean blog layout. So, each post can be look different with different layout & styling.
360° Image Slider
Attract your customer with our 360° image feature that you can use for your product showcase or another purpose. Unlike another 360° Image Slider, this slider is reponsive, and animate very smooth.
Protect your content with Unique Style
Protect your content or image from someone who want to stole your content. Try to right click on your content, it will show movie like credit. Instead to shoo them, we trying to amaze them with unique way.
Responsive & Retina Ready
Your website will show crisp on almost every modern device. From PC with Windows, Mac with Retina display, Tablet like iPad, android Phone, also iPhone. You don’t need to create another mobile version of your website.
Image & Content Animation
Animate anything from your block content, or image to attract your visitor attention. You also able to setup animation speed, sequence speed, use fade animation or scale, and direction of animation.
3 Types Page Loader
On very long page with media rich content, you will need indicator that your website is currently loading. You have option to choose 3 type of page loader. You can set page loader as global. Or you can also alter for single page.
Smooth Scroll
To maximize experience for multi – layer parallax we use smooth scroll as integral feature on themes. On modern browser like Chrome or Firefox, you will have the best experience you can get on Jkreativ.
Custom Background & Menu Each Page
You can use different menu position and background on every blog post, page, portfolio, or product that you create with Jkreativ. Or you can setup global background and menu from customizer.
Parallax Video Background
We not only provide parallax for image, we also give option video as parallax. Incase you don’t like it video as parallax, you can turn this feature of, and use normal background video instead.
600+ Google Font
We include more than 600 google font that you can choose from themes customizer. Its very pleasure experience when you change style of your page and see how it shown on live preview.
Music Background every Single page
Set ambiance when your client land to your page. With background music and ability to change it every page, you can bring different kind of experience for your visitor.
SEO Friendly, Absolutely!
Content is King, Jkreativ developed with Search Engine Optimized HTML5 structure for better content quality and better rank on search results. Support Google Authorship and 100% compatible with any 3rd party SEO Plugins.
created by elite author